The SD cards small footprint is an ideal storage medium for smaller, thinner and more portable electronic devices. Electrically passive adapters allow a smaller card to fit and function in a device built for a larger card. The three form factors are the original size, the mini size, and the micro size. Xtended Capacity SDXC, and the SDIO, which combines inputoutput functions with data storage. The four families are the original Standard Capacity SDSC, the High Capacity SDHC, the e. OvervieweditSecure Digital includes four card families available in three different sizes. C to enforce compliance with its specifications and assure users of compatibility. The SDA uses several trademarkedlogos owned and licensed by SD 3. Driver Memory Stick Pro Duo Sony Windows Xp' title='Driver Memory Stick Pro Duo Sony Windows Xp' /> SD Card standards. The companies also formed the SD Association SDA, a non profit organization, in January 2. C, LLC, a company that licenses and enforces intellectual property rights associated with SD memory cards and SD host and ancillary products. Cards MMC,1 and has become the industry standard. Disk, Panasonic Matsushita Electric and Toshiba as an improvement over Multi. Secure Digital SD is a non volatilememory card format developed by the SD Card Association SDA for use in portable devices. The VMU, or Visual Memory Unit, was an oversized memory card that plugged into the Dreamcasts controllers to store game data, or serve as a secondscreen for some.